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Marjorie’s Apple Products

Marjorie’s bumper crop at the 400 tree orchard with 4 varieties of apples to start Marjorie’s Apple Product Brand. Organic Apple Juice, Apple Cider Vinegar, Toffee Apples for Halloween & Christmas. Together with Apple Strudel & Apple Pies plus a delicious Apple Rum & Raisin Ice Cream

Marjorie is working on providing more Own Label range to collectively fund race to perches more Orchard land for Symbiosis Tree For Life Educational Bursary.

You can support us by stocking you own label Marjorie’s Organic apple Juice.

Jamaica Rock Red Gold & Green

If you can make apple perfume please get in touch!

Totaly Organic Apples

A great harvest day with the help of family and friends, for Marjorie’s Apple Juice

Just 400 tree to go!

A great harvest from a totally organic orchard that hasn’t been sprayed for over 8 years.

You can support us by stocking you own label Marjorie’s Organic apple Juice.

Marjorie’s Apple Juice Label
Marjorie’s Apple Cider Vinegar Label

Marjorie’s Apple Rum & Raisin

Marjorie’s Apple Rum & Raisin Label

Marjorie’s Toffee Apples

Marjorie’s Apples Pie

Marjorie’s Apples Strudel